CHA Seminars

Our Customers Come First

AL Manager Dementia Training

Available via Self-Study

Meets New Training Reqs in §553.254


Assisted Living Managers Training Course

Available every month via GoToMeeting

No Travel - On a Computer Near YOU!

Upcoming dates:

February 4, 5 & 6

March 4, 5 & 6

April 1, 2 & 3


CEU Bundles to SAVE you $$$$$

Upcoming Webinars

NO Travel - On YOUR Computer via GoToMeeting

** We give partial credit for ALL Webinars **

** All courses NAB approved for NFAs **


 Click here for Full Schedule


Assisted Living Managers Training course

Feb 4, 5 & 6 - 9am to 5pm each day

Human Resources; Mgmt Concepts/Resident Characteristics; Licensing Standards ALFs

NAB Approved, 24 CEUs including 8 Ethics hrs

Registration Form


Business Ethics Principles

Sat, Feb 8 - 9am to 3pm

NAB Approved, 6 Ethics hrs

Registration Form


Individualizing Resident Care

Feb 11, 12 & 13 - 9am to 5pm each day

Pressure Ulcers; Quality Mgmt; Restraint Reduction

NAB Approved, 24 CEUs including 12 Ethics hrs

Registration Form


Resident Care Regulations

Feb 18 & 19 - 9am to 5pm each day

Medication & Pharmacy; Abuse & Neglect

NAB Approved, 24 CEUs including 12 Ethics hrs

Registration Form


Team Development

Feb 20 - 9am to 3pm

NAB Approved, 6 Ethics hrs

Registration Form


Click here for Full Schedule

HCSSA Admin Training Course

Available via Self-Study


CHA Seminars offers ...

CHA Seminars offers a variety of quality continuing education courses via video conferencing and self-study for long-term care professionals including Nursing Home Administrators (NHA), Assisted Living Directors/Managers (ALM), Home Health Administrators, Home Health Alternate Administrators, Social Workers and Certified Nurse Aides.

CHA Seminars is Certified Provider of professional continuing education by the National Continuing Education Review Service (NCERS) of the National Association of Boards of Examiners for Nursing Home Administrators (NAB),and the Texas State Board of Social Worker Examiners (TSBSWE).

All education courses offered by CHA Seminars have been reviewed and approved according to the standards set by the National Continuing Education Review Service (NCERS) of the National Association of Boards of Examiners for Nursing Home Administrators (NAB) for the continuing education hours indicated with each course. For additional information, please contact NAB at 1120 NW 20th St Suite 750 | Washington DC 20036-3441 | phone (202) 712-9040 |

State licensure and regulatory boards have final authority on the acceptance of individual courses.

Please feel free to call or email anytime. We are here to serve you.


Did You Know ...

You are able to reschedule any missed webinar without penalty?

CHA Seminars will help you with course selection for your license renewal?

Register early, register late - same low price!!

CHA Seminars will invoice your company for your convenience.
You may take your webinar prior to payment being received. Once payment is received, your certificate is issued.

How the Elderly Lose Their Rights
by Rachel Aviv

Guardians can sell the assets and control the lives of senior citizens without their consent - and reap a profit from it.

For years, Rudy North woke up at 9 a.m. and read the Las Vegas Review-Journal while eating a piece of toast. Then he read a novel - he liked James Patterson and Clive Cussler - or, if he was feeling more ambitious, Freud. On scraps of paper and legal notepads, he jotted down thoughts sparked by his reading. “Deep below the rational part of our brain is an underground ocean where strange things swim,” he wrote on one notepad. On another, “Life: the longer it cooks, the better it tastes.”

Rennie, his wife of fifty-seven years, was slower to rise. She was recovering from lymphoma and suffered from neuropathy so severe that her legs felt like sausages. Each morning, she spent nearly an hour in the bathroom applying makeup and lotions, the same brands she’d used for forty years. She always emerged wearing pale-pink lipstick. Rudy, who was prone to grandiosity, liked to refer to her as “my amour.”

Continuing Reading >>


TX Dept of Family and Protective Services

Texas Adult Protective Services (APS)

APS investigates abuse, neglect, and exploitation of adults who are elderly or have disabilities. Any adult who has a disability or who is age 65 or older over that is in a state of abuse, neglect, or exploitation may be eligible to receive adult protective services. Victims of abuse, neglect, or exploitation may get short-term help with shelter, home repairs, food, transportation, managing money, medical care, home healthcare services, and mental health services.

To report Elder Abuse, call 800-252-5400 or online at Texas Abuse Hotline.