

All Webinars begin at 9am Austin / Central Time (CT)
>> All Webinars are NAB approved <<
All webinars listed contain Ethics hours
except the Texas Licensing Standards for ALFs
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Webinar Descriptions

Assisted Living Managers Training Course
NAB Approved | 24 CEUs including 8 Ethics hrs
DADS lists the education requirements for Managers of Assisted Living Facilities in the Licensing Standards of Assisted Living Facilities Handbook. §553.253(a)(2) states that after August 1, 2000, a manager must have completed at least one educational course on the management of assisted living facilities which includes information on the assisted living standards; resident characteristics (including dementia); resident assessment and skills working with residents; basic principles of management; food and nutrition services; federal laws, with emphasis on the American’s with Disabilities Act’s accessibility requirements; community resources; ethics; and financial management. The course must be at least 24 hours in length. Eight hours of training on the assisted living standards must be completed within the first three months of employment. This course meets the state requirements. Descriptions for each day are below.
Human Resources General Overview
NAB Approved | 8 CEUs including 4 Ethics hrs
This program is designed to give you the tools to manage the legal and ethical implications of the laws and regulatory issues related to your employees.
Module I will review the major issues involved with difficult employees, a three-step process to help you transcend preconceptions about difficult employees and how to avoid missteps in managing difficult employees; how to assess your own assertiveness, what causes unassertiveness and how to take action toward becoming more assertive; basic ADA requirements, which disabilities and impairments are protected by the ADA, how to make reasonable accommodations and legal questions to ask once a disabled person has been hired; the benefits and risks of at-will employment and how to avoid liability for a wrongful termination.
Module II will review how company policies are essential tools for preventing trouble in the workplace, laws regarding employees' rights and employers' rights to monitor employees; how to spot discrimination, how to avoid discrimination and how to prevent unintentional discrimination when hiring, promoting and terminating employees; how to prevent and handle sexual harassment in the workplace, what comprises an effective sexual harassment policy, how to recognize the conditions under which sexual harassment can occur and how to implement the proper legal procedures when a sexual harassment complaint is received.
Module III will review the limitation of coverage under the FLSA, how employees are treated differently, depending on position or level, the pay requirements and applicability of the FLSA, how to make important payroll choices and how the FLSA requires employers to document hours and wages of its employees; the coverage and conditions under the FMLA, how to resolve issues pertaining to FMLA requests and how to recognize the rights of both employees and employers following an FMLA leave; what is religious discrimination and harassment on the job, how to accommodate religious beliefs and practices, the limits on accommodation obligations, your role as a manager and how to avoid religious discrimination and harassment.
Module IV will review the three principles to keeping interviews within legal boundaries, what to avoid during the interview process, the protected characteristics that describe what can and cannot be asked when interviewing and other legal issues regarding the interview process; what is employment at will, the restrictions and exceptions for termination and what is meant by progressive discipline and due process; how to prevent lawsuits; the top ten issues to keep in mind during employee interactions and how to effectively deal with these issues to stay on the right side of the law.
Management Concepts, Customer Service and Resident Characteristics
NAB Approved | 8 CEUs including 4 Ethics hrs
Management Concepts reviews how strong financial abilities allow you to look at the financial health of your company, your competition and your customers, to make financially sound business decisions. Financial ratios are the principal tools of financial statement analysis and are used to measure the financial success of a company. This course will help you to recognize the purpose, structure and use of the balance sheet, income statement and cash flow statement and how your business decisions can enhance or detract from an organization's value in the marketplace; how to identify, calculate and interpret key financial ratios, how financial ratios have the greatest significance when used to make year-to-year comparisons for purposes of determining trends, and how to make comparisons with industry or key competitors' data.
Diversity Effectiveness in the workplace goes way beyond race, sexism and gender. It's composed of a changing blend of attributes, behaviors and talents, characterized by difference and similarities. To be successful in today's work environment, you need to become an effective diversity respondent. This means you must demonstrate a blend of diversity maturity and core diversity skills. This course will review the importance of conducting business in an ethical manner, how to apply a practical method to reach ethically sound business decisions; the meaning of diversity and diversity maturity, and the steps and how to apply diversity effectiveness in the workplace; the meaning of diversity, specific strategies for becoming an effective diversity respondent, how to assess your diversity situation, diversity action options and steps to take toward diversity.
Resident Characteristics will review the characteristics of residents in long-term care facilities and how to assess those characteristics and treatments available. This course will review Alzheimer’s Disease, Arthritis, Cholesterol, Cold & Flu, COPD, Depression, Diabetes, Heart Basics, Heartburn & GERD, High Blood Pressure, Osteoporosis, Parkinson’s Disease and Stroke & Recovery .
Texas Licensing Standards for Assisted Living Facilities
NAB Approved | 8 CEUs
Review TAC Title 26, Part 1, Chapter 553 Licensing Standards for Assisted Living Facilities Handbook. The Standards contain minimum standards a facility must meet in order to be licensed as an assisted living facility and serve as a basis for licensure survey activities.
This course does not contain Ethics hours.

Business Ethics Principles
NAB Approved | 6 Ethics hrs
This program is designed to help you and your organization wade through the gray and ambiguous areas of Business Ethics and give you the tools to consistently make the right decisions.
Module EI will review the simple and complex ethical decisions that may confront you in the workplace; how unwarranted gains and temptation affect ethical decisions that occur at work; common workplace abuses of power, knowledge, access, and relationships; how to develop and maintain your ethics at work; how to research legal issues without becoming a lawyer; how to research legal issues on the internet; and how to locate legislative statutes, executive orders, court rulings, and administrative regulations.
Module EII will review the need for practical Business Ethics; list some common ethical dilemmas that arise in the workplace; examine and evaluate an ethical dilemma; learn the definition of the Golden Rule and how to apply to specific ethical questions; learn the definition of the Public Disclosure Test and how to apply to specific ethical questions; and learn the definition of the Universalization Test and how to apply to specific ethical questions.
Module EIII will review Personal Value Priorities and how to use value priorities in daily life; how interests refer to the ethical involvement of all parties in a decision; how to determine the roles you play every day in your personal life and what values are good or desirable to you; how your personal values interact with your professional values; examine some of the value conflicts that arise in the world daily; how to define the values that you use in your personal and professional life; how to identify your moral principles; develop your moral principles; and how to help your moral principles to grow.

Individualizing Resident Care
NAB Approved | 24 CEUs including 12 Ethics hrs
Descriptions for each day are below.
Pressure Ulcers & Skin Care
NAB Approved | 8 CEUs including 4 Ethics hrs
This course will review regulatory requirements concerning pressure ulcers and skin care. Topics include evaluation; staging; prevention; monitoring; treatment; the difference between pressure ulcers and non-pressure ulcer related wounds dressing and care; end-of-life and unavoidability of development of ulcers; advance directives and choice of involvement in treatment; types and scales versus skin assessments; pressure redistribution; nutrition and how in impacts the individual.
Quality Management
NAB Approved | 8 CEUs including 4 Ethics hrs
This course provides a historical perspective on the OBRA 87 mandate that each nursing facility 'provide care and services to attain or maintain the highest practicable physical, mental and psychosocial well being of each resident', and demonstrates how nursing homes achieve better clinical outcomes when care delivery systems are individualized. We will look specifically at leadership and workplace practices to identify essential practices of exemplary leaders and key practices that contribute to low turnover: the importance of individualized care to good clinical outcomes, focus on concrete leadership and workplace practices that allow facilities to provide individualized care, stabilizing staffing that builds relationships leading to consistency in care and the result of a positive impact on staff, residents and families.
Restraint Reduction
NAB Approved | 8 CEUs including 4 Ethics hrs
What qualifies as a restraint? What are the risks or benefits for using restraints as accident prevention or care convenience? This course will identify and review CMS regulations and guidelines for clarity and intent as related to restraint use in resident care; identify and review prohibited restraint use and viable alternatives that allow the reduction or elimination of restraints, falls and accidents; and emphasize the roles of the Administrator, DON and Medical Director in working with facility staff to implement necessary changes in resident care relating to safety, security and fall and accident prevention .

Resident Care Regulations
NAB Approved | 24 CEUs including 12 Ethics hrs
Descriptions for each day are below.
Medication & Pharmacy Regulation Overview
NAB Approved | 8 CEUs including 4 Ethics hrs
Medications are an integral part of the care provided to residents of nursing facilities. They are administered to try to achieve various outcomes, such as curing an illness, diagnosing a disease or condition, arresting or slowing a disease process, reducing or eliminating symptoms, or preventing a disease or symptom. Proper medication selection and prescribing including dose, duration, and type of medication(s) may help stabilize or improve a resident’s outcome, quality of life and functional capacity. Any medication or combination of medications or the use of a medication without adequate indications, in excessive dose, for an excessive duration, or without adequate monitoring may increase the risk of a broad range of adverse consequences such as medication interactions, depression, confusion, immobility, falls, and related hip fractures. This course provides a review of CMS regulations and guidelines for clarity and intent pertaining to unnecessary drugs, medication errors, and pharmacy services.
Module I, F-Tag 329: Each resident’s drug regimen must be free from unnecessary drugs. An unnecessary drug is any drug when used in excessive dose (including duplicate therapy); for excessive duration; without adequate monitoring; without adequate indications for its use; in the presence of adverse consequences which indicate the dose should be reduced or discontinued; or any combinations of the reasons above.
Module II, F-Tags 332-333: The facility must ensure that (F-Tag 332: §483.25(m)(1)) it is free of medication error rates of 5 percent or greater; and (F-Tag 333: §483.25(m)(2)) residents are free of any significant medication errors.
Module III, F-Tag 425: The facility must provide routine and emergency drugs and biologicals to its residents, or obtain them under an agreement described in §483.75(h) of this part. The facility may permit unlicensed personnel to administer drugs if State law permits, but only under the general supervision of a licensed nurse. The provision of pharmaceutical services is an integral part of the care provided to nursing home residents. The management of complex medication regimens is challenging and requires diverse pharmaceutical services to minimize medication-related adverse consequences or events. The overall goal of the pharmaceutical services system within a facility is to ensure the safe and effective use of medications.
Abuse & Neglect - Detection, Investigating and Reporting
NAB Approved | 16 CEUs including 8 Ethics hrs
This course provides a review of the Medical Aspects of Neglect and Sexual Abuse in Long-Term Care;
Module I will review the Roles and Responsibilities of the Facility when conducting an Abuse and Mistreatment Investigations, Tips for Developing Fact-Based Timelines, Common Signs and Symptoms of Potential Abuse and Neglect, Evaluating a Facility’s Policies and Procedures for Identifying, Investigating and Reporting Physical Abuse and Neglect, Identifying Different Types of Injuries and Correct Definitions, Identifying Patterned Injuries, Differentiating Accidental from Intentional Injuries, Identifying Physical and Non-Physical Signs of Abuse and Neglect, Terminology of Common Types of Injuries, Common Forensic Terms to Accurately Assess, Document and Investigate Suspected Abuse or Neglect, Age-Related changes to Consider when Investigating Potential Abuse and Neglect, Age-Related changes than Influence the Effects of Medications and ADEs that may mimic Abuse or Neglect.
Module II will review Identifying CMS Regulations and Guidelines regarding Detection, Investigation and Prevention of Abuse and Neglect, Screening Techniques used when Investigating Abuse and Neglect, Best Practices of Documenting Abuse, Principles of Written and Photographic Documentation.
Module III will review Appropriate Steps and Reviews to Conduct during an Investigation, Documenting Abuse and Neglect, AMA Elder Abuse Guidelines, Medication Reviews, Diagnosis and Clinical Finding of Physical Abuse, Laws that Protect Victims of Abuse and Neglect, Available Resources specific to Abuse and Neglect, Principles of Evidence Collection, Packaging, Labeling and Preservation, Determining Cultural Norms to be integrated into the Development and Implementation of Policies and Procedures related to Mistreatment, Neglect and Abuse, Appropriate Steps for Proper Integration of Cultural Norms into Policies and Procedures.
Module IV will review CMS Regulations, Interpretative Guidelines, Definitions and Incident Reporting Guidelines regarding Abuse and Neglect (F-Tags 223, 224, 225 and 226).
Exercise 1 is writing a Plan of Correction for Carver Living Center as reviewed in the CMS video Sexual Abuse in Long Term Care.
Exercise 2 is writing a Plan of Correction for Consult America Cottage Hills as reviewed in the CMS video Sexual Abuse in Long Term Care.
Exercise 3 is writing a Plan of Correction for Peace River Nursing & Rehab Center as reviewed in the CMS video Sexual Abuse in Long Term Care.

Team Development
NAB Approved | 6 Ethics hrs
Effective teamwork is essential to success in the modern workplace. A team whose members work well together can outperform even the most talented collection of individuals working in isolation. In a very real sense, the ‘team’ is greater than the sum of its parts. Leadership is the single most important ingredient in achieving consistent peak performance in teams. With good leadership, 'ordinary' people can achieve 'extraordinary' results. Ethical considerations arise from everyday concerns in the workplace. You don't usually have a large amount of time to consider and evaluate them.
Module TI will review how to establish direction and goals for teams using a team charter; define roles and rules to clarify the responsibilities of team members; establish accountability to provide both positive and negative consequences for the behaviors of team members; identify positive team behavior to encourage cooperation and collaboration; and make teamwork part of the corporate culture.
Module TII will review how to demonstrate team-leadership skills as a team lead; explain the importance of developing communication skills; discuss the importance of conflict-management; establish a good decision making and problem solving process; and design a comprehensive reward system for individual and team-based rewards.
Module TIII will review the need for practical Business Ethics; list some common ethical dilemmas that arise in the workplace; examine and evaluate an ethical dilemma; learn the definition of the Golden Rule and how to apply to specific ethical questions; learn the definition of the Public Disclosure Test and how to apply to specific ethical questions; and learn the definition of the Universalization Test and how to apply to specific ethical questions .